Example: Mongolian language
i was created xpz file of Mongolian (Mongolian.xpz)
1. step one
a. copy file "English.xpz" to "English.zip" in tmp directory
Path of "English.xpz": {GENEXUS INSTALLED DIRECTORY}\ObjectDefinitions\Language
b. extract "English.zip" in tmp directory
c. extracted English\English.xml copy to mylanguage.xml (Mongolian.xml) in tmp directory
2. step two
a. language name change from English to mylangeuage (Mongolian)
English to Mongolian
b. to archive mylanguage.xml (Mongolian.xml) file to mylanguage.zip (Mongolian.zip)
c . copy mylanguage.zip (Mongolian.zip) to {GENEXUS INSTALLED DIRECTORY}\ObjectDefinitions\Language\mylanguage.xpz (Mongolian.xpz)
3. step three
restart GenexusX :)
4. Select mylanguage (Mongolian)